There are so many things that I can think of that I could improve on. Being a more patient mother. Being a more understanding wife. Being a more attentive student. Being a more organized businesswoman. There are a handful of things. Then of course there are those “goals” that you would love to keep but realistically in the back of your mind you know better, haha. You know! Like going to the gym more, eating more fruits and vegetables, NO SODA, spending less money, learn something new… Those are the ones that I think about but realistically know that it probably won’t happen. I’m guessing you guys are better then me and accomplish those goals. As I’ve gotten older I’ve come to realize that I need to set goals that I ACTUALLY think I’m going to attain. One of those goals for me, personally and professionally, is to be more attentive to my family when it comes to documenting our lives. I spent all year trying to build my photography business from the ground up. I spent a lot of money and a lot of time trying to accomplish that goal that I forgot to focus on the important things that were literally right in front of me.
I was rocking my little sleeping 3 year old the other night and thought, “when did I do this last?” It was when he was a baby. A BABY!!! It made me tear up a bit. If you were to ask me…I’d tell you that I have a terrible memory and I truly think there is some truth to that. I don’t remember a lot of things about my childhood or even a couple years ago. I don’t know if it’s because he’s my third child or because of my “crappy” memory but I sat there with tears in my eyes thinking how I don’t remember much of him “growing” up and that almost broke my heart in two. That’s why we take pictures, ladies and gentlemen, to help us REMEMBER those moments that we otherwise wouldn’t. I can’t believe that, as a photographer, that it was so easy for me to forget that concept when it came to my own family. I have a camera. A very nice camera at my beckon’ call. I pulled it out a million times to capture everyone else’s families but only a few times to capture my own. Not this year! That is one of my goals this year! I am going to make sure that, while I still focus on building my photography and skincare business, that I am going to keep my blinders focused on my 4 babies and my stubborn husband, haha. I don’t want to sit in a rocking chair again wondering where the time has gone and drawing a blank. It’s going to be different and it’s going to be wonderful! Watch out 2017… Here I come with my Canon 6D DSLR. 🙂