(December 2016)
Around the holidays, I can’t help but think about what has come to pass in the last year. We all do that, don’t we? We think of the last 360ish days and think, “was it a good year or a bad year? Was it a hard year or an easy year? Did we accomplish what we wanted to this year or did we fall short?” A lot of us go through those questions in our minds and reflect upon our growth or whether we were a little stagnant. Looking back at 2016…I’m grateful. It was a hard year for me personally. I started out the year losing a baby at 15 weeks which was completely different trial that I had to endure. I learned A LOT about myself, about my husband and about my relationship with the Lord. I had never NEEDED the Lord as much as I did at that point. I have a lot of unanswered questions and look forward to getting those answers when I pass from this earth to the other side.
I continued my 2016 journey by having foot surgery and 2 months later having surgery on my nose. During those recovery times…my husband really pulled through for me and took care of me the best he knew how. (Which was better than I thought it would be, haha).
We started the summer by finding out that we were, again, expecting a child. Lots of emotions plagued me and still do as I continue to grow with this little one in hopes for a happy, healthy baby come February. It’s been a process but we’re getting through it a day at a time.